Medical > Dental Services

Leeming Dental is located at the corner of Farrington and Casserly Drive in Leeming, close to the freeway exits. Leeming dentists – Dr Sonny Lee and Dr Sashika Fernando are friendly, trusted, local UWA graduates.
They have a passion for providing excellent dental care to the local and surrounding communities. The communities we service include: Bull creek, Murdoch, Jandakot, Canningvale, Melville, Willetton, Bateman, Winthrop, Bibra Lake, South Lake, North Lake, Kardinya, Booragoon, Myaree, Brentwood, Willagee, Samson, Coolbellup, Shelly, Riverton and Rossmoyne.

Dentist Sonny LeeDentist-Sonny-Lee-Leeming-dental leeming-dental-linkedin
Dr. Sonny Lee graduated as a dentist from the University of Western Australia in 2008.
He is part of a medical family with a wealth of experience spanning three generations. His father is an eye surgeon, his mother is a dental specialist, and his brother and wife are both dentists. His family has along standing history and commitment to medical service for the community. This family background has played a big part in his dental practice.


Last Updated
Dr. Lee
[email protected]
(08) 9310 3367
Suite 2/ 96 Farrington Rd, Leeming WA 6149


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