Medical > Doctor and Medical Specialities
If you have travelled overseas or interstate in the last 14 days
Been in contact with someone who has travelled overseas or interstate in the last 14 days
Have experienced flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days
Been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND OUR CLINIC. Please contact our rooms on 8212 3022 to reschedule your appointment
Welcome to Adelaide Eye and Retina Centre, originally founded in 1995. Our practice has an experienced team of Ophthalmologists operating from our newly renovated, fully equipped consulting suites at 18 North Terrace, Adelaide conveniently located within the same building as Adelaide Day Surgery.
Our doctors consult at 18 North Terrace, as well as our newly renovated rooms at Marion Eye and Retina Centre – located at 530 Marion Road, Plympton Park.

- Last Updated
- 07/Jan/2025
- Contact
- Dr. James Muecke
- [email protected]
- Phone
- (08) 8212 3022
- Website
- Address
- 18 North Tce, Adelaide SA 5000